
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Hot off the DOL guidance presses, Sharon DeLay, President of GO-HR will discuss what you need to know regarding the recently passed American Rescue Act including: * COBRA Premium Subsidies - who is eligible, how you as an employer must prepare for compliance and recoup costs of the subsidy * Revised FFCRA paid sick and expanded leave options * New stricter OSHA guidance We will also have consultation from Sara Goldhardt, CPA from our friends at GBQ. Sara is the Director of State and Local Tax Services at GBQ and will provide guidance on to some of the tax-related issues all of this brings with it. Join us for this live virtual meeting* of what you need to know now - questions and feedback are welcome and encouraged. If you can't attend this meeting due to a scheduling conflict, register anyway and we will send you the recording! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable
Tuesday Apr 6, 2021
Ignite Your Family Business - Live Virtual Meeting his 4/6 session features Mark Swepston, President of Atlas Butler. Atlas Butler has seen much transition in its 100-years and four generations of family business history. Mark will explain the marketing reason why Ramey Manufacturing changed its name to Atlas Butler in 1936. Discover how the business transitioned into and then backed away from the commercial industry. Be inspired by how each generation followed their grandfather’s footsteps of community involvement and his forward thinking vision and risk tolerance for how to evolve the family business to the next level. Are you ready to take your family business to the next level? Join Kelly Borth, CEO and Chief Strategy Officer of GREENCREST as she facilitates this quarterly forum to hear first-hand from fellow family business owners on what they are doing to grow their business. It will help you as a business owner or leader gain the insights you need to ignite your business! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Advisory Boards are an integral part of many successful businesses and organizations because they offer various perspectives, expert advice, and a neutral voice. Join us for a virtual discussion with Suzanne Amstutz (Ohio Power Tool), Tony Durieux (ALNI), and Jon Eesley (Windsor Advisory Group), as we share how family businesses effectively utilize their boards by establishing roles, responsibilities, and proper governance. Tips, strategies, and tactics will be shared for improving engagement, communication, and understanding expectations for you and your board. Sponsored by GREENCREST ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program

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P.O. Box 361106, Columbus, OH 43236 – (614) 253-4820 –