Monthly Ed Program - Leading the Family Business: Impact of Female CEOs and Executives

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Name: Monthly Ed Program - Leading the Family Business: Impact of Female CEOs and Executives
Date: September 17, 2020
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Event Description:

Join us for a panel discussion on what it takes to be a female leader of a family-owned business. How do women in leadership roles impact the bottom line? Why is it important to mentor and support rising female leaders in a family business? How did these women get to where they are in their family business and what are their hopes for the future of women in business.

Moderated by Jennifer Griffith, Ohio Regional President - First Merchants Bank.
Our panelists are: 

Elizabeth Blount McCormick, President – Uniglobe Travel Designers
Lori Kaiser, CEO - Kaiser Consulting
Darla King, President - King Business Interiors

Sponsored by GREENCREST

REGISTER now and join us for this live webinar on 9/17. You'll have the opportunity to submit questions during the session and view a recording post session!

Register now button
Event Sponsors:
We will be using ZOOM - you do not need a ZOOM account to join the webinar.  You can attend this webinar from anywhere using a compatible computer or mobile device.  An email will be sent to you with the registration confirmation and log-in information from ZOOM for the webinar.

** If you are new to ZOOM, you can test your device here:

Note that this webinar will be listen-only mode for attendees so only video will be enabled for the panelists, but you can test your sound using this test link.  You will have the ability to ask questions via the Q&A function on Zoom. 
Date/Time Information:
Thursday, September 17, 2020
8:00 - 9:00 am

Webinar ID: 
848 4855 3154

Program begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Please sign-in a few minutes early, you will be placed in the waiting room and ready to begin when the webinar starts.
Contact Information:
Amy Dotts

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Conway Center for Family Business for more information.
P.O. Box 361106, Columbus, OH 43236 – (614) 253-4820 –