Events Calendar

Results Found: 2 (CCFB Peer Group) View Full Calendar
Tuesday Nov 7, 2023
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, C-Suite Non-Family Leaders
Tuesday Nov 7, 2023
What is Self-Awareness and Why is it So Important? Family business is complicated and these last several years have been especially challenging. Your ability to objectively interpret your actions, feelings, and thoughts are key to recognizing the effect that you have on others and to change course if necessary. Join us as we dig into what self-awareness is, why it is a vital skill, and learn ways to develop it. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Women in Family Business

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P.O. Box 361106, Columbus, OH 43236 – (614) 253-4820 –