Women's Peer Group *note DATE change to 11/7 - Nov 7, 2023 - Conway Center for Family Business

Women's Peer Group *note DATE change to 11/7

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Name: Women's Peer Group *note DATE change to 11/7
Date: November 7, 2023
Time: 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM EST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

What is Self-Awareness and Why is it So Important?

Family business is complicated and these last several years have been especially challenging.  Your ability to objectively interpret your actions, feelings, and thoughts are key to recognizing the effect that you have on others and to change course if necessary.

Join us as we dig into what self-awareness is, why it is a vital skill, and learn ways to develop it.

This brown-bag lunch monthly peer group will be co-facilitated by Bea Wolper and Donna Musilli and is for women - both family and non-family - who work in a family-owned business.  Our new format allows for connection, sharing, inspiration, and support. 

Generously sponsored by KeyBank

This group is for women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. New perspectives and strategies will be gained from listening to others in this very collaborative and safe environment. Co-facilitated by Bea Wolper from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin and Donna Musilli from DM360.
Ohio Dominican University
Griffin Student Center -  Room 258
1215 Sunbury Road 
Columbus 43219

Please print and place this PARKING PASS on your dashboard.

Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, November 7
11:45 am - 12:00 noon - Lunch (brown bag on your own, optional)

12:00 noon - 1:30pm - Session

Beverages and desserts will be provided, session starts promptly at 12 noon.
Contact Information:
Amy Dotts, COO & Event Manager
Free for ALL Conway Center members to attend.  This is a "drop-in" peer group, you are encouraged but not required to attend all the sessions of this series.  Come when you can, but please register or RSVP in advance!  

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