Events Calendar - Next Generation Leaders - Next Generation Leaders - Conway Center for Family Business

Next Generation Leaders

A monthly professional development group for next gen family business leaders

This group is for next generation family business members who are interested in assuming greater leadership roles in their family-owned business. Facilitator Mike O'Donnell of Integrated Leadership Systems draws upon his many years of experience as a teacher, mentor, and coach to provide content and facilitate group discussion on relevant topics necessary for growth as a next-generation family business leader.

Facilitator: Mike O'Donnell of Integrated Leadership Systems
Frequency: Monthly (except July/August when we break for the summer)
Fee: FREE for Conway Center members (next gen family members only)
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required
Service Providers eligible? No

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Group Mailing List

Fill out the form below to request to receive monthly email invitations notifying you of each Next Generation Leaders Group session.
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Upcoming Events

Events Calendar - Next Generation Leaders

Wednesday Mar 9, 2022
Setting Relationship Boundaries at Work Facilitator: M.J. Clark, Integrated Leadership Systems Sometimes the lines are blurred when staff want to get to know you on a more personal level. How can we effectively navigate these relationships, so we put ourselves in a position to continue to keep people accountable as we take future leadership roles? ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Next Generation Leaders
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Navigating Family Relationships with Authenticity and Assertiveness Facilitator: M.J. Clark, Integrated Leadership Systems Join us in person at Ohio Dominican University as we discuss how to effectively listen and communicate to maintain your involvement in the business regardless of what level you currently occupy in the company. How do you build trust and respect among your family members? *Next Gen Leaders working in a family business only please - no Service Providers. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Next Generation Leaders

I still have questions. How can I get more information about this Professional Development Program?

Contact Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at or 614-847-0160