Events Calendar - Human Resources - Human Resources - Conway Center for Family Business

Human Resources

A quarterly roundtable for business leaders

These quarterly sessions explore hot topics in Human Resources from a family-owned business perspective.  The content and collective knowledge of the group provides resources and insight to help make good decisions in a changing business environment. These sessions are beneficial to members who manage the HR functions by default and HR professionals with training and experience.

Facilitator: Sharon DeLay of GO-HR
Frequency: Quarterly
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required
Service Providers eligible? Yes, Service Providers are welcome (limit 2/company), meeting RSVP is required

Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar - Human Resources

Thursday Oct 5, 2023
Your current and future employees of your family business are increasingly voicing their expectations that their employers need to demonstrate care. They’re making decisions to join or stay with a company based on the employer’s commitment to a variety of social, environmental, and other issues. Are your employees connected to the core values of your family business? Join us for an interactive discussion about aligning your company core values with your workforce’s values. Improved employee engagement shows in your bottom line through better productivity, less turnover, and longer tenure within your organization. All attending are encouraged to complete the free Life Values Inventory prior to this session, and to bring your results and company values with you. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable, Human Resources

I still have questions. How can I get more information about the Human Resources Roundtable?

Contact Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at or 614-847-0160