Events Calendar - Practical Tools for Managers - Practical Tools for Managers - Conway Center for Family Business

Practical Tools for Managers

Quarterly sessions which provides practical education and tools to help manage your business and operate more effectively

In each 90-minute session, you'll learn the "What," the "Why," and the "How" of some of the most useful management tools -  like how to build vulnerability-based trust with your team, how to delegate for growth, and how to provide clear expectations and feedback. The sessions apply to all managers (new and experienced) regardless of whether or not you are familiar with EOS.

Facilitators: Ryan Yeoman, Jason Block, Chad Eddy, and Becky Fromkes - EOS Worldwide
Frequency: Quarterly
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required
Service Providers eligible? Yes, Service Providers are welcome (limit 2/company), meeting RSVP is required


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Events Calendar - Practical Tools for Managers

Wednesday Oct 1, 2025
This workshop features hands-on/ practical application of the LMA (Lead+Manage=Accountable) tool and best practices on how to hold Quarterly Conversations. Together, these tools help leaders strengthen team management. It covers how to effectively lead with vision, manage with consistency, and hold employees accountable using EOS principles. Learn how to conduct Quarterly Conversations—structured, one-on-one meetings to provide feedback, align expectations, and discuss growth opportunities. Whether your company runs on EOS or not, these practical, proven best practices apply to anyone in a leadership role. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Professional Development Program, Practical Tools for Managers

I still have questions. How can I get more information about these sessions?

Contact Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at or 614-847-0160

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