Events Calendar - CCFB Peer Group - Peer Groups - Conway Center for Family Business

Peer Group Programs

Peer groups provide a confidential environment for idea exchange, family business education, and personal growth.

Peer groups are one of the most powerful and best learning forums offered by the Conway Center for Family Business.

They present an opportunity to learn by seeking advice from peers and professionals who have "been there, done that" and who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge. Each peer group has a shared purpose and agreed upon expectations. In addition, participants commit to respecting the confidentiality of group members.

Peer Groups


This peer group is for Presidents/CEOs.  Non-competing family business leaders come together monthly in a confidential environment to discuss business, personal or family business related issues. Participants can seek input and advice when discussing executive level business issues.  Accountability, personal support, and feedback from peers are important components of this group.

Facilitator: Jill Hofmans, Executive Director
Frequency: Monthly
Fee: $1500/year
Pre-approval to join? Yes

C-Suite Non-Family Leaders

This peer group is for non-family executives. Non-competing family business leaders come together monthly in a confidential environment to discuss business, personal or family business related issues.  Participant can seek input and advice when discussing executive level business issues and the challenges and opportunities of being a non-family leader in a family run business.

Facilitator: Jill Hofmans, Executive Director
Frequency: Monthly
Fee: $500/year
Pre-approval to join? Yes

EOS Integrator

This peer group is for EOS Integrators or the equivalent on the leadership team. These facilitated sessions will provide group members the opportunity to get and share advice on EOS best practices as well as implementation challenges and other issues they are facing.

Please note, this group is for companies that are already running EOS and limited to one member/company.

Facilitator: Kim Troy, Founder and CEO of Civilis Consulting
Frequency: Quarterly
Fee: FREE for Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? Yes

Leadership Development

This peer group addresses relevant leadership challenges and opportunities while providing the strategies to effectively manage them. This is a very collaborative group open to all that encourages peer-to-peer discussions, provides support to one another while gaining clarity on key leadership challenges.

Facilitator: Jackie Schetter, founder of Lead for Culture
Frequency: Monthly
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required

Generously sponsored by Park National Bank

Manufacturing/Logistics C-Level Peer Group

This peer group is for C-Level executives in manufacturing or logistics family-owned businesses. The group meets quarterly over breakfast to discuss industry-specific trends and topics, as well as family business issues. The session topics are decided in advance.

Facilitator: Jeff Cope of JACO Advisory Group
Frequency: Quarterly
Fee: FREE for Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? Yes


Next Generation Leaders

This peer group is for next generation family business members who are interested in assuming greater leadership roles in their family-owned business. Specific content and group discussion relevant and necessary for growth as a next gen family business leader will be addressed each month. This is a very collaborative group that encourages seeking input and advice when discussing leadership challenges and opportunities of being a next gen.

Facilitator: Mike O'Donnell of Integrated Leadership Systems
Frequency: Monthly
Fee: FREE for Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, but this is a drop-in group for family business members only, meeting RSVP is required

Rising CEO

This peer group is for next gens who are imminently next in line or who have recently taken over running the family business. Non-competing family business leaders come together monthly in a confidential environment to discuss business, personal or family business related issues. Participants can seek input and advice when discussing executive level business issues and the challenges and opportunities of being a next gen.

Facilitator: Jill Hofmans, Executive Director
Frequency: Monthly
Fee: $900/year
Pre-approval to join? Yes

Women In Family Business

This peer group is for women - both family and non-family - who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. Topics addressing leadership, self-care, effective communication, and skills for managing conflict resolution will be the focus of these sessions that allow for connection, sharing, inspiration, and support.

Facilitators: Bea Wolper and Kelly Jasin of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin
Frequency: Monthly
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required

Quarterly Roundtables

Human Resources

These collaborative sessions explore hot topics in Human Resources from a family-owned business perspective.  The content and collective knowledge of the group provides resources and insight to help make good decisions in a changing business environment. These sessions are beneficial to members who manage the HR functions by default and HR professionals with training and experience - but all are welcome.

Facilitator: Sharon DeLay of GO-HR
Frequency: Quarterly
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required

Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley

Succession Planning

From inter-family dynamics to strategic planning, these interactive sessions will provide the foundation for transitioning the family business to the next generation. This program is not just for founders/owners - attending together with successors or next gens is very important and beneficial.

Facilitator: Facilitated by Bea Wolper of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin and Meredith Sugar of Taft/ Law
Frequency: Quarterly
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required

Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley

Interested in joining a peer group? Not sure how to get started?

Peer Groups are open to all Conway Center members and their employees. Except for the C-Suite Peer Groups – all peer groups are drop-in, you just need to RSVP and show up!

If you have any questions, visit the Peer Group FAQs or contact Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at

Peer Groups Frequently Asked Questions

Peer Groups meet monthly and are small groups, ranging from 6-15. These small, topic-driven facilitated groups provide a confidential environment for idea exchange, family business education, and personal growth. Peer Groups give you an opportunity to learn by seeking advice from professionals and peers who have “been there, done that” and who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences – all while respecting the confidentiality of members in a small group setting.

Roundtables are larger peer groups that do not meet monthly. The peer-to-peer interaction and learning from each other is still an integral part of the sessions, but these are often more didactic in nature.

Session descriptions, dates, times and locations for each specific group can be found by clicking the Learn More button in each description above.  A complete listing of peer group sessions can be found here.  Facilitators keep the unique needs of family businesses in mind while preparing and delivering best practice-based content.

Most Peer Groups are open to all Conway Center members and their employees. Note that each session description will further delineate who may attend.  Click the Learn More button in the group description for further specifications.

Except for the C-Suite Peer Groups – all Peer Groups are drop-in, you just need to RSVP and show up!  Simply RSVP via the register button through the website or send an email to Amy at:

On select Peer Group pages you will see a mailing list form. By joining a Peer Group mailing list, you will receive an email invitation of the topic and location one week prior to each session, along with a link to RSVP.  You do not need to belong to a mailing list to attend, it is just a convenience to alert you to upcoming sessions.

Note that not all Peer Groups have mailing lists as some groups are not open to all. Roundtable and webinar invitations are sent to the entire membership.  If you already receive invitations, please complete the form to continue - we're cleaning up our lists and want to make sure we do not send you emails you do not want.

Yes, except for the C-Suite peer groups and Next Gen Leaders.  Service Providers are welcome to attend the Leadership Development, and Women in Family Business Peer Groups.  Service Providers are also welcome and encouraged to attend the Human Resources and Succession Planning Roundtables.

Webinars and all of our Monthly Educational Programs are also open to Service Provider members.  For full list of programs, visit the Programs page of our website.

The C-Suite Peer Groups, EOS Integrator, and the Manufacturing/Logistics Peer Groups have an additional fee to attend – all others are FREE as part of your Conway Center membership.  This includes all family AND non-family employees!

Most Peer Groups are held on the 2nd floor of the Griffin Student Center at Ohio Dominican University, 1215 Sunbury Rd, Columbus, OH 43219.  There is free parking in the lot but you must display a PARKING PASS.  Session descriptions, dates, times and locations are found here.

Sure!  We ask you to register so we can have a name tent for you and make appropriate arrangements based on group size.  If you forget, please come anyway!

Please just send Amy an email at if you know in advance that you are unable to attend.

No, only Conway Center members are eligible to participate in Peer Groups. 

If you are interested in Conway Center membership, you are welcome to attend a monthly educational program as our guest.  Please contact Amy at for more information.

Feel free to reach out anytime to Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at or 614-847-0160.

I still have questions. How can I get more information about Peer Groups and Roundtables?

Contact Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at or 614-847-0160

Not yet a member?

Learn more about membership and APPLY TODAY to access Peer Groups and other Conway Center offerings!

Events Calendar - CCFB Peer Group

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Planning for Retirement – Financial and Emotional Considerations Joyce Salizzoni, Senior VP and Senior Relationship Manager from KeyBank will be our guest speaker for this session discussing: * Benchmarks/guidelines of how much you should save each decade, and strategies to help you meet your financial and retirement goals; * Retirement risks - investments, inflation, long-term care expenses and taxes; * Social Security and how that figures into your retirement plan; * Investment planning - taxable vs. tax deferred vs. tax free Learn what you should start doing right now and for each decade until you retire to meet your financial goals. We'll also discuss how to know if you are emotionally ready to retire, along with considerations and tips to get you mentally prepared for this big life change! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
This session is two parts and will be held exclusively remote via ZOOM. Rocketbook - Tips/Tricks & Conflict Management: Defining Roles & Accountability Rocketbook - Tips/Tricks As follow up from last month's meeting about discussing favorite life hacks and apps, Conway member Karen Sullivan will share with us how she has been benefitting for years using the Rocketbook - a reusable/erasable ''smart'' notebook that can be connected to all your favorite cloud services. Conflict Management: Defining Roles & Accountability Conflicts are a natural part of the workplace, so it is important to understand conflicts and know how to resolve them effectively. Skills discussed will include: Handling confrontations tactfully and constructively Creating positive outcomes from disputes and disagreements Ensuring the roles and responsibilities of each employee are clearly passed on to them ? Please register ONLINE via ZOOM An email will be sent to you with the registration confirmation and log-in information from ZOOM for the meeting. Please log in a few minutes prior to session start so you are ''in'' the meeting by 7:30am. Webinar ID: 838 7514 2689 Conflicts are a natural part of the workplace, so it is important to understand conflicts and know how to resolve them effectively. Skills discussed will include: Handling confrontations tactfully and constructively Creating positive outcomes from disputes and disagreements Ensuring the roles and responsibilities of each employee are clearly passed on to them ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Dec 8, 2020
Planning topics for 2021! Join us for this important session as we discuss topics for the 2021 Women's Peer Group! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tips On How To Network Sensitively During COVID Times How to develop connections and relationships without being 'pushy' during this difficult time Business development in family business - what is working, how the rules are changing, new tactics Please register ONLINE via ZOOM An email will be sent to you with the registration confirmation and log-in information from ZOOM for the meeting. Please log in a few minutes prior to session start so you are ''in'' the meeting by 7:30am. Webinar ID: 881 9425 7202 This group is for women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. Earning respect, leadership, employment practices, family dynamics, and communication in the family business are just a few of the topics that are explored in this interactive group. Facilitated by Bea Wolper from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin Law Firm. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Feb 9, 2021
The Towanda Effect: Unapologetic Boldness for Career and Life Success - A Conversation with Tonya Tiggett We welcome Tonya Tiggett, Founder of Tiggett & Co. as our guest speaker. What propels you to act with uncharacteristic boldness, even just once? If you ever saw the movie Fried Green Tomatoes you can understand that shouting a simple mantra like “TOWANDA!” can have an amazingly emboldening effect when being unapologetically bold! Do you know that the characteristic of being bold is not solely a human behavior? Join us for a lively conversation to discover how marine biologists define boldness for success and survival in fish species and what we can learn from their research to apply to our own lives and organizational cultures to not only be bolder, but to be unapologetically bold! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Mar 9, 2021
All About Boards Characteristics of high-performing boards and how you can attract, retain, and enhance the performance of your own board. Discussion will focus on: • Board of Directors – purpose, roles, selecting, transitioning, compensation • Advisory Boards – who, why and how • Advisory Groups – pros and cons ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Conversation with Lori Kaiser, Founder and CEO of Kaiser Consulting Lori founded Kaiser Consulting in 1992, an award winning accounting and information technology consulting firm with a unique workplace for employees seeking better work-life balance. Lori will share her journey to success along with the lessons learned along the way. We hope you join us in this informal discussion with Lori that will no doubt leave you energized and inspired! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Jun 8, 2021
Importance of Setting Clear Boundaries in Family Business • Examples of ways to create appropriate boundaries and having the discipline to maintain them. • Rules of entry into the family business – why establishing entry criteria is crucial to your family business. • Importance of having the ability and courage to say “no” and not feeling guilty for doing so. This group is for women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. Earning respect, leadership, employment practices, family dynamics, and communication in the family business are just a few of the topics that are explored in this interactive group. Facilitated by Bea Wolper from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin Law Firm. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Financial Considerations for Your Family Business How to set up and effectively use financial dashboards - providing detailed overview of an income statement with net profit, revenue, and other relevant performance ratios. Sharing financial information – how much do you have to tell? Tax saving strategies for family business owners This group is for women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. Earning respect, leadership, employment practices, family dynamics, and communication in the family business are just a few of the topics that are explored in this interactive group. Facilitated by Bea Wolper from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin Law Firm. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Nov 5, 2020
Caring for an Aging Loved One Join our guest speaker Melanie Hankinson, an Aging Life Care Professional®, as she reviews the options and hurdles of caring for an aging loved one. Discussion will focus on you as business owners who may not have the flexibility to “leave the business in someone else’s hands” thus need help with what can often be an overwhelming task of navigating services and care while running a business. We will explore in-home, community,and facility care - as well as end-of-life care options. Examples of current and past client case studies will be shared along with other issues including: Pros and cons whether care should continue in the home or placement in a facility What is the cost of care and who pays for this care? How caregiver stress can take a toll? Health directive forms’ interplay and terms Financial Powers of Attorney Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley It is never too early to think about succession planning in a family owned business! This dynamic monthly peer group is facilitated by Bea Wolper of Emens & Wolper Law Firm, Thaddeus O?Brien of O?Brien & Associates, and Meredith Sugar of Taft Law. They provide a forum to discuss all aspects of succession planning - from inter-family dynamics to strategic planning - in interactive sessions that will provide the foundation for transitioning your family business to the next generation. This program is not just for founders/owners, attending together with successors or next gens is very important and beneficial. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday May 13, 2021
Selling vs. Keeping Your Family Business • When does the family business owner know it is time to sell the business? • How can the owner structure to “keeping” the business in the family? • What are the emotional tolls of selling? • What are the mechanics of selling your business? Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley It is never too early to think about succession planning in a family owned business! This dynamic monthly peer group is facilitated by Bea Wolper of Emens & Wolper Law Firm, and Meredith Sugar of Taft Law. They provide a forum to discuss all aspects of succession planning - from inter-family dynamics to strategic planning - in interactive sessions that will provide the foundation for transitioning your family business to the next generation. This program is not just for founders/owners attending together with successors or next gens is very important and beneficial. Please register accordingly - either for the ONSITE session or ONLINE via ZOOM ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Oct 8, 2020
Sibling Rivalry During Stressful Times • What parents can do • How to deal with situation when “chosen one” is struggling • Treating children equally; treating children differently • Which child becomes the leader – both? ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Apr 8, 2021
Business Valuation Our guest contributor will discuss why a current business valuation is important for your family business, including: • Valuation strategies that can help you increase your profitability • How a company is valued, and how others outside the business view that value • Why you need to get an updated valuation and why an accurate valuation is important if there is a gift. Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Elder Law Our guest speaker Jessica Roshon, attorney from Taps & Sutton, will join us in the discussion of elder law estate ethical issues and other elder law matters including: • Disability planning • Protecting assets from nursing-home costs • Transferring funds to children to avoid recapture rules • Avoiding will contests among family members. Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Join guest speaker Lisa Jolley from the Columbus Foundation as she discusses how to start, or refine, a giving program. The unique circumstances of family businesses require careful planning and guidance essential for effective giving. • Why philanthropy is important and how it works with family businesses • How a donor-advised fund works, and the tax benefits associated with it ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Corporate Entities Family business often has special characteristics and needs that will affect the determination of which entity is best. This session will include discussion of the following: Hear the reasons why LLC’s are preferred for owning real estate Understand why Ohio corporations need shareholder and director minutes What is “piercing the corporate veil” and what happens if it occurs? What are the benefits of subsidiaries in a family owned business? Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Asset Protection Planning – an Important Component of Estate Planning To protect what you have, it is vital to take some defensive measures. This session will address how to protect your assets and giving up control as it relates to: Titling of assets Legacy Trusts Separate Property trusts Prenuptials Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley Family business often has special characteristics and needs that will affect the determination of which entity is best. This session will include discussion of the following: Hear the reasons why LLC’s are preferred for owning real estate Understand why Ohio corporations need shareholder and director minutes What is “piercing the corporate veil” and what happens if it occurs? What are the benefits of subsidiaries in a family owned business? Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Operating Agreement Without a solid operating agreement, conflict can cause harm to a family business including loss of control of the business. A thoughtful operating agreement can mitigate such harm as family dynamics change over time. This discussion will include: Transfer restrictions What happens when someone leaves? Death; Divorce Puts and calls Cash flow distributions Management – member-managed versus manager-managed Family business often has special characteristics and needs that will affect the determination of which entity is best. This session will include discussion of the following: Hear the reasons why LLC’s are preferred for owning real estate Understand why Ohio corporations need shareholder and director minutes What is “piercing the corporate veil” and what happens if it occurs? What are the benefits of subsidiaries in a family owned business? Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Sep 9, 2021
We’re excited to be back in person as we re-group and discuss the crazy year-end we will all have due to the likely lowering of the estate tax exemption, valuations, gifting, Covid effects on your family business … just to name a few! We also want to hear from you, and discuss issues important to you: What brings you here today and what do you want out of this group? Where are you in your succession process – timeline? What are the key challenges you anticipate or are encountering? This group provides you with the opportunity to share experiences/struggles in a confidential environment for the purpose of learning and growing. Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jul 1, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jan 7, 2021
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Apr 8, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Sep 2, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Feb 4, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Mar 4, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday May 6, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Aug 5, 2021
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Sep 7, 2021
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Oct 6, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Nov 3, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Dec 1, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Feb 2, 2021
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Mar 2, 2021
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday May 4, 2021
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Aug 3, 2021
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Wednesday Sep 8, 2021
Professional Development (Networking and Mentors) Networking – Developing the right relationships for you and your business. Mentors – How to find the right mentor for you. Facilitator: Scott Galloway, Galloway Resource Partners Our Next Generation Leaders Peer Group is for up-and-coming family business members who are interested in assuming greater leadership roles in their family-owned business. Each month, the group will discuss topics that are relevant and necessary to growth as a next gen leader from goal setting, to business valuation, to succession planning, and more. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Leadership Peer Group Networking Get-Together *PLEASE NOTE: This June meeting will be a Happy Hour Networking Social (in place of the usual morning meeting) at HighBank Distillery in Grandview. All who have attended any of the Leadership Development Peer Group sessions are invited to attend! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Collaboration One of the most satisfying aspects of leadership is the ability to help people work together more efficiently and productively. Learn the best practices on how to foster collaboration with anyone in your circle of influence. Take-aways: Learn a process for managing and improving collaboration Participate in exercises to determine specifics steps to improve the way you collaborate with others. The purpose of this peer group is to share our diverse perspectives on what is important for leaders and hear what others are doing in order to build relationships, gain clarity on key leadership challenges or opportunities and support each other. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH leads these sessions in a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Building A Foundation for Great Leadership The practice of leadership has been developed over decades over experience and practice. One thing we know – great leadership is hard. However, there is a proven way forward. The foundation of this path to great leadership rests on having a strong sense of purpose and values from which to operate from. Our ability to work through tough situations for both ourselves and others. Leaders must first understand what the foundational principles mean to us as individuals before we can help inspire others to join the journey. In this session, we will discuss how to develop a personal purpose statement and what types of values are best suited for servant leadership. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH will lead these leadership sessions focusing on the most relevant challenges and opportunities for your business today. This is a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ? Please register accordingly - either for the ONSITE session or ONLINE via ZOOM ONSITE REGISTRATION All attending in person must comply with safety guidelines, including the face mask and social distancing policies. Please refer to the Conway Center Re-Opening FAQs for details as to what to expect when attending an onsite Conway Center event during this COVID-19 crisis. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Employee Experience (EX) and Why It Matters Let's be honest, Employee Experience is a buzzword. Nevertheless, the concept holds significant value for organizations who are willing to do the tough work required to make it part of their culture. Yet, many times we lack the necessary definition and data around the concept to make it impactful for organizations. In this session, we will discuss the process of Employee Engagement and how it should be approached to achieve the value of empowering employees to do great work. The purpose of this peer group is to share our diverse perspectives on what is important for leaders and hear what others are doing in order to build relationships, gain clarity on key leadership challenges or opportunities and support each other. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH leads these sessions in a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
How to Understand What Your Employees Need ''Great leaders are great listeners.'' That's a quote from somewhere, and it still holds the same weight as when it was first uttered. A key aspect of leadership is about our ability to solve problems and help others solve problems. As leaders, how do we know what the problem is? What are the things that hamper both our ability and others to achieve goals and create positive outcomes? How can we better understand the people around us to get things done? This session will address the questions above and others by discussing best practices of employee feedback and what to do with it. The purpose of this peer group is to share our diverse perspectives on what is important for leaders and hear what others are doing in order to build relationships, gain clarity on key leadership challenges or opportunities and support each other. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH leads these sessions in a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Managing Conflict - One of the consistent characteristics of strong leaders is the ability to manage conflict in an organization or team. Learn the best practices of managing conflict and how this can help improve the relationships around you. This session will address the different types of conflicts and situations therein, in addition to learning how to help people productively address conflict. The purpose of this peer group is to share our diverse perspectives on what is important for leaders and hear what others are doing in order to build relationships, gain clarity on key leadership challenges or opportunities and support each other. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH leads these sessions in a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuckman's Model - Team Formation & Development The most common challenge for any leader is the ability to effectively manage a team of people. Learn about the natural progression of team formation and how this can help you better achieve your goals. We will discuss and review the state of your teams, what point in the process they are at and how to move them forward. The purpose of this peer group is to share our diverse perspectives on what is important for leaders and hear what others are doing in order to build relationships, gain clarity on key leadership challenges or opportunities and support each other. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH leads these sessions in a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Leadership Tools to Serve Others One of the greatest joys, and primary directives, of leadership is the ability to positively impact the lives of others. In order to avoid the morass of conflict and demotivation, leaders must have the tools to apply their skillsets appropriately in various situations in order to achieve better outcomes. In this session we will discuss how to analyze situations and adapt to the needs of the people you serve. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH will lead these leadership sessions focusing on the most relevant challenges and opportunities for your business today. This is a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Leadership – What’s Changed and Why It Matters It would not be a leadership discussion without discussing the massive change we have experienced recently. In order to be effective leaders, we must understand the factors and trends that impact the people we lead in order to best serve their needs and the needs of the business. This creates a common sense of why leadership matters in the first place by answering the question – “what problems should we as leaders be trying to solve?” Objectives: In this session, we will look at data and trends and hear from our fellow professionals the challenges that we all face and why leadership can help us solve them. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Leadership Self-Awareness Great lea Leadership Self-Awareness Great leaders know that their ability to lead others is primarily limited by their understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, developing the skill of self-awareness empowers leaders to achieve things other can’t, such as helping engage employees and out-perform. In this session, we will discuss how to identify your leaderships strengths and weaknesses, and where to focus your energy to achieve the best results. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH will lead these leadership sessions focusing on the most relevant challenges and opportunities for your business today. This is a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ? Please register accordingly - either for the ONSITE session or ONLINE via ZOOM ONSITE REGISTRATION All attending in person must comply with safety guidelines, including the face mask and social distancing policies. Please refer to the Conway Center Re-Opening FAQs for details as to what to expect when attending an onsite Conway Center event during this COVID-19 crisis. Ohio Dominican University Griffin Student Center - Rooms 258-259 1215 Sunbury Road Columbus 43219 *Please place this PARKING PASS on your dashboard and remember to wear your mask! register button ONLINE REGISTRATION VIA ZOOM To attend remotely via ZOOM, register through this link: An email will be sent to you with the registration confirmation and log-in information from ZOOM for the meeting. Please log in a few minutes prior to session start so you are ''in'' the meeting by 7:30am. Webinar ID: 858 2106 5984ders know that their ability to lead others is primarily limited by their understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, developing the skill of self-awareness empowers leaders to achieve things other can’t, such as helping engage employees and out-perform. In this session, we will discuss how to identify your leaderships strengths and weaknesses, and where to focus your energy to achieve the best results. Facilitator Jonathon McKay with PATH will lead these leadership sessions focusing on the most relevant challenges and opportunities for your business today. This is a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. Generously sponsored by Park National Bank ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Jun 1, 2021
L2 Wrap Up Happy Hour! By invitation only for Leadership 2.0 peer group members - meeting wrap-up & snacks at Guzman office! Donna Musilli of DM360 leads these sessions focusing on your most relevant business challenges. These sessions may have some teaching components, but the bulk of the time will be for what’s on your mind. What are your needs? And how can the group support you? ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
L2 Fall Fun Get Together! By invitation only for Leadership 2.0 peer group members - meeting & dinner on Guzman deck! Donna Musilli of DM360 leads these sessions focusing on your most relevant business challenges. These sessions may have some teaching components, but the bulk of the time will be for what’s on your mind. What are your needs? And how can the group support you? ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Oct 1, 2020
Leadership is complex; and especially for family businesses. This Leadership 2.0 group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. Enrollment is closed for this series, but if you are interested in this group - please contact Amy at Donna Musilli of DM360 facilitates these sessions focusing on your most relevant business challenges. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Leadership is complex; and especially for family businesses. This Leadership 2.0 group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. By invitation only. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Feb 4, 2021
Leadership is complex; and especially for family businesses. This Leadership 2.0 group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. By invitation only. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Mar 4, 2021
Leadership is complex; and especially for family businesses. This Leadership 2.0 group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. By invitation only. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Apr 1, 2021
Leadership is complex; and especially for family businesses. This Leadership 2.0 group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. By invitation only. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday May 6, 2021
Leadership is complex; and especially for family businesses. This Leadership 2.0 group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. By invitation only. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Dec 3, 2020
This group allows you to find your safe place for monthly support, peer mentoring and group coaching to discover how to lead well in ambiguity. By invitation only. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Ignite Your Family Business - Live Virtual Meeting featuring Matina Zenios of Artina Promotional Products This 6/15 session features Matina Zenios, President of Artina Promotional Products. Artina is a family business that has transformed, overcome obstacles and thrived due to its focus on its employee family, customer service and genuine ingenuity. Hear this family business story through the decades. Discover how the second generation of family leadership has added to this successful business story. Be inspired by how taking risks and infusing creativity continues to grow this family business to the next level. Are you ready to take your family business to the next level? Join Kelly Borth, CEO and Chief Strategy Officer of GREENCREST as she facilitates this quarterly forum to hear first-hand from fellow family business owners on what they are doing to grow their business. It will help you as a business owner or leader gain the insights you need to ignite your business! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable, CCFB Peer Group
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
HR Live Virtual Meeting - From Apathy to Zoom Fatigue – We All Just Need a (Socially-Distanced) Hug If nothing else, 2020 was a year where nobody could be too comfortable! Following months and months of navigating remote working, paid sick leave, viruses, vaccinations, and social unrest, let’s take an hour or so to check in with one another and hear about the best practices we’ve all developed from what we learned, and develop our 2021 checklists of what we need to do and what we need to watch. With a change in our federal leadership, there will definitely be (even more) changes coming! Come prepared with best practices, burning questions, and ready to receive your virtual hug to keep you going through Q1 2021! Sharon DeLay, President of GO-HR will facilitate this session - join us for this live meeting* to find practical advice around tackling the challenges you are facing. *Note: Because we want this to be interactive, this session will be a Zoom Meeting (same format as our peer groups) with audio/video enabled for all who join. Note that if you do not have video capability, you are still welcome to participate. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable, CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
The Conway Strong CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. There is an additional annual fee and is by invitation only to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
The CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. There is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
The Conway Strong CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday May 27, 2021
The Conway Strong CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
The Conway Strong CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
The Conway Strong CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Oct 8, 2020
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Apr 8, 2021
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday May 13, 2021
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group

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