Build Your Brand DIY Workshop - Dec 2, 2015 - Conway Center for Family Business

Build Your Brand DIY Workshop

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Name: Build Your Brand DIY Workshop
Date: December 2, 2015
Time: 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM EST
Event Description:
In this powerful three-hour workshop, led by GREENCREST CEO and Chief Strategy Officer Kelly Borth, you will learn what a "brand" really is and how it can increase your profitability, the secrets to defining your competitive advantage, and how to communicate the "why" factor and why it's important. GREENCREST is the only Certified Brand Agency in central Ohio and one of only 31 in the United States.
GREENCREST, 120 Northwoods Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43235
Date/Time Information:
Dec. 2, 2015, 7:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Contact Information:
Brandi Evans
$347/person; register by Nov. 18 and get a $50 discount

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