Handling Health Care Changes: An Update for Family Businesses: Over 50 Employees - Jul 17, 2014 - Conway Center for Family Business

Handling Health Care Changes: An Update for Family Businesses: Over 50 Employees

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Name: Handling Health Care Changes: An Update for Family Businesses: Over 50 Employees
Date: July 17, 2014
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Two sessions -- Attend one or both!
8:30-10:00 a.m. for Companies with less than 50 employees
10:30-Noon for Companies with 50+ employees
What’s new with the Affordable Care Act? How will it affect your family business in 2015? What do you need to know now so you can make good health care decisions for your employees this fall? Should you hire more employees or cap your workforce at 49? The ACA typically brings up more questions than answers but we’re going to change that!  Scott Rider, of Rider + Reinke Financial Group, and Ed Redder of Findley Davies will share the latest changes and updates in health care to help you make educated decisions for your business.
If you’re not sure which session to attend or find yourself on the bubble between 49 and 50+ employees, plan to attend both sessions to compare your options. You’ll learn how key provisions of the Affordable Care Act come into play based on the size of your business and leave with information that will help you decide whether to grow your workforce in the coming year.
Ohio Dominican University
​Community Hall
1261 Sunbury Road
Columbus, OH 43219
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