Leadership Development Peer Group
May 21, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Avoid Burnout, Practice Resilience
Yes, that's right, we talkin' bout practice. Resilience doesn't need to be something we acquire only in hard times, or when we are already burned out. By understanding the elements of being resilient, you can build it into a maintenance plan that helps you stay focused, grounded, and well before you reach a tipping point.
Facilitator Jackie Schetter, Founder of Lead for Culture, will facilitate these monthly sessions focusing on the most relevant leadership challenges and opportunities you face. This is a very collaborative group that encourages peer-to-peer sharing. ALL Conway Center members are invited to attend any of these sessions, but please RSVP.
Generously sponsored by Park National Bank