Making an Impact: Angel Investing 101 - Conway Center LIVE WEBINAR
November 1, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Conway Center for Family Business
Event Description:
Making an Impact: Angel Investing 101
Have you considered Angel Investing? There is no more direct way to make an impact on the change you want to see in the world than by investing in a startup company with innovative products or services that can save lives or create positive social, technological, and environmental changes.
Angel investors leverage their success and expertise to invest in local startup businesses, making dreams come true for entrepreneurs and kick-starting economic growth in their regions.
Join us to learn about angel investing, who are angel investors, why they invest, what kind of companies they invest in, and how the angel investment process works.


Cindi Englefield
Owner, Englefield Business Advisors
Co-Founder, Accelerating Angels
Cindi has been an Angel Investor for 10+ years. She believes in paying it forward as made evident this year when she co-founded Accelerating Angels, an Angel Fund that invests in early stage, high growth and exceptionally led women businesses. She also sits on the Board of Englefield Oil, a company her father founded in 1961 and Conway Center member.
► REGISTER now and join us for this live webinar on 11/1. You'll have the opportunity to submit questions to Cindi during the session and view a recording post session.