Non-Family C-Suite Leaders Peer Group
November 5, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM EST
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Event Description:
Facilitated by Jill Hofmans, Conway Center Executive Director
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Sessions are in a hot seat format so that each peer group member will have a chance to have their pressing issues heard and get feedback from the group. Very peer-to-peer driven, these sessions focus on getting objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those sharing similar issues. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required.
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Sessions are in a hot seat format so that each peer group member will have a chance to have their pressing issues heard and get feedback from the group. Very peer-to-peer driven, these sessions focus on getting objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those sharing similar issues. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required.