Online Strategy Peer Group - Oct 7, 2015 - Conway Center for Family Business

Online Strategy Peer Group

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Name: Online Strategy Peer Group
Date: October 7, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
You already know that having a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. is valuable for your business. These are  the websites you and your customer's use, so why not engage with them there?

As you probably know it's getting harder and harder to reach your audience without paying on Facebook while on Twitter, it's never been easier  to reach people without making a serious time commitment. 

This month, we'll cover how to overcome the unique challenges each of the social media sites present.  We'll update you on the latest changes  and how you can adapt. And, we'll give you tools and tips that make it easy to engage with your customers without having to spend a lot of time  - and money - that you don't have!
Fathom Columbus
1465 Northwest Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43212
(park in the Verizon lot or across the street)
Contact Information:
Jill Hofmans, Assistant Director

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