Succession Planning 101: Where to Begin? - Mar 30, 2023 - Conway Center for Family Business

Succession Planning 101: Where to Begin?

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Name: Succession Planning 101: Where to Begin?
Date: March 30, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Succession Planning 101: Where to Begin?

If you know you need a plan but don’t know where to start, join us at the next quarterly Succession Planning Roundtable where we will discuss the basics:
  • What kind of owner are you? Operating? Captive? Burdened? Benevolent Dictator? There are several types of owners and identifying which you – and other stock-owning family members -  is a great place to start.
  • What are your criteria for next gens to join the business? When, along with compensation and expectations – all important considerations.  We’ll cover best practices on this sometimes-controversial topic!
  • Buy-Sell Agreements: Who needs them and the important reasons behind them.
  • Seven Keys to Family Business Succession: It’s more than signing over ownership! We’ll tackle the succession of ownership, management, leadership, authority, relationships, and values & respect. 

Bea Wolper of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin and Meredith Sugar of Taft/ will facilitate this discussion, give practical advice, and answer any questions you may have.

Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley   

It is never too early to think about succession planning in a family owned business!  This dynamic quarterly roundtable is facilitated by Bea Wolper of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin Law Firm and Meredith Sugar of Taft/. They provide a forum to discuss all aspects of succession planning - from inter-family dynamics to strategic planning - in interactive sessions that will provide the foundation for transitioning your family business to the next generation. This program is not just for founders/owners;  attending together with successors or next gens is very important and beneficial.
Event Sponsors:
Ohio Dominican University
Griffin Student Center - ROOM 258
1215 Sunbury Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43219

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Date/Time Information:
March 30, 2023
7:45-8:00 a.m. - Registration/Coffee
8:00-9:30 a.m. - Session
Contact Information:
Amy Dotts, COO & Events Manager
Free for Conway Center members.