Succession Planning Peer Group - Sep 9, 2021 - Conway Center for Family Business

Succession Planning Peer Group

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Name: Succession Planning Peer Group
Date: September 9, 2021
Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Every Family Business Succession Situation is Unique
We’re excited to be back in person as we re-group and discuss the crazy year-end we will all have due to the likely lowering of the estate tax exemption, valuations, gifting, Covid effects on your family business … just to name a few!
We also want to hear from you, and discuss issues important to you:
  • What brings you here today and what do you want out of this group?
  • Where are you in your succession process – timeline?
  • What are the key challenges you anticipate or are encountering?
This group provides you with the opportunity to share  experiences/struggles in a confidential environment for the purpose of learning and growing.

Generously sponsored by Morgan Stanley   

It is never too early to think about succession planning in a family owned business!  This dynamic monthly peer group is facilitated by Bea Wolper of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin Law Firm and Meredith Sugar of Taft/ Law. They provide a forum to discuss all aspects of succession planning - from inter-family dynamics to strategic planning - in interactive sessions that will provide the foundation for transitioning your family business to the next generation. This program is not just for founders/owners – attending together with successors or next gens is very important and beneficial.
Event Sponsors:
Ohio Dominican University
Griffin Student Center -  Room 276
1215 Sunbury Road 
Columbus 43219

* ODU currently has a campus-wide indoor mask mandate for all individuals regardless of vaccination status (does not apply while actively eating or drinking). Once this mandate is lifted, we will notify registered individuals.

Please print and place this PARKING PASS on your dashboard.
Date/Time Information:

Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021
7:30-9:00 a.m.
Contact Information:
Amy Dotts, COO & Event Manager
Free for ALL Conway Center members to attend.  This is a "drop-in" peer group, you are encouraged but not required to attend all the sessions of this series.  Come when you can, but please register or RSVP in advance!  

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