Women in Family Business Peer Group - Oct 8, 2024 - Conway Center for Family Business

Women in Family Business Peer Group

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Name: Women in Family Business Peer Group
Date: October 8, 2024
Time: 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Communication Styles & Crucial Conversations

Communication is a double-edged sword for family businesses. Along with the usual obstacles that any business faces, they also must deal with the difficulty of interpersonal relationships. 
And how do you handle difficult conversations with your family and employees while maintaining a culture of trust and respect?  How can you be assertive and address challenging situations without coming across as unlikeable?

We'll discuss ways to overcome the feeling of having to be “nice and polite” that is leveraged as an excuse to avoid tough conversations – especially for women. We’ll talk about different communication styles and how to professionally communicate and defuse tense situations - both at work and in your personal life. 


These monthly group discussions are for women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. Topics addressing leadership, self-care, effective communication, and skills for managing conflict resolution will be the focus of these sessions that allow for connection, sharing, inspiration, and support.  

Facilitated by Bea Wolper and Kelly Jasin from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin. All women who are members of the Conway Center (family, non-family, and service provider members) are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Ohio Dominican University
Griffin Student Center -  Room 260
1215 Sunbury Road 
Columbus 43219

Please print and place this PARKING PASS on your dashboard.
Date/Time Information:
11:45 am - 12:00 noon - Lunch (brown bag on your own, optional)
12:00 noon - 1:15pm - Session

Beverages and desserts will be provided, session starts promptly at 12 noon.
Contact Information:
Amy Dotts, COO & Events Manager
Free for ALL Conway Center members to attend.  This is a "drop-in" peer group, you are encouraged but not required to attend all the sessions of this series.  Come when you can, but please register or RSVP in advance!  

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