Women's Peer Group
April 12, 2022
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
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Event Description:
Cybersecurity and your Family Business
Cybercrime is at an all-time high and it is more important now than ever to get ahead of possible risks before they develop. Join us as our guest industry experts discuss the latest in fraud threats and best practices of how to protect yourself at home and in the office. Learn about the current threat landscape, new emerging trends and practical tips to protect yourself and your family business from cybercriminals.
Guest expert speakers:

Stephanie Breen, Intelligence Analyst, FBI Cleveland
Intelligence Analyst Stephanie A Breen has worked for the FBI for over 5 years specializing in white collar criminal investigations. She serves as a leader of the Cleveland Division Virtual Currency Working Group and is an active member of the Midwestern Crypto Currency Task Force, Bankruptcy Fraud Working Group, Medical Marijuana Working Group, Social Media Cell, and the nationwide Corporate Fraud Response Team. She is currently assigned to the White Collar Crime squad in Cleveland.

Tammy Gedetsis, Senior Information Security Manager - KeyBank
Tammy has been at KeyBank for 23 years doing a variety of roles focused on business clients and their digital experience. In her current role, she’s responsible for the Cybersecurity Education & Awareness programs for all KeyBank employees, consumer and business clients. Prior to this role, Tammy was the Senior Digital Product Manager for Key’s corporate digital platform, KeyNavigator where her focus was on security and the client experience.
Generously sponsored by KeyBank
This group is for women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family business. Managing family dynamics, best business practices, leadership, and communication in the family business are just a few of the topics that are explored in this interactive group. Facilitated by Bea Wolper from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin.