Education - Monthly Ed Programs & Family Business Roundtables - Conway Center for Family Business

Monthly Ed Programs & Family Business Roundtables

The Conway Center for Family Business assists leaders and owners of family businesses in resolving issues related to their businesses and, when appropriate, in passing the family business on to the next generation.

Nine monthly educational programs are offered each year that provide valuable information on family business topics presented by family business leaders and experts.

Several family business Roundtables that focus on in-depth topics are also scheduled as needed and offered throughout the year.

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Join us for a Conway Center Program or Event!

RESERVATIONS may be made online or by emailing Conway Center members are encouraged to invite guests to programs and events to introduce family business leaders to the resources provided by the Conway Center. Family business leaders attending for the first time are free. Educational programs and webinars are open to the public for a small fee unless otherwise noted.  VIEW the Non Member Guest Policy.


Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Join a panel of family business leaders who will share what to do - and what NOT to do - when bringing on next gens. Panelists include Mark DeBellis, President at Suburban Steel Supply, Julie Phelps, 4th Gen and President at Sutphen Towers, and Val Jorgensen, founder of Jorgensen Farms in Westerville. We will also be joined by Shelby Sutphen, 5th Gen at Sutphen Towers, to get the Next Gen perspective on this process! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Join Brian Moore of Morgan Stanley for an interesting panel discussion on what keeps senior family business leaders up at night. Conway Center member panelists include: Robin Flood - Flood Heliarc Tobi Gold - Skilken Gold Real Estate Fritz Reitter - Reitter Stucco & Supply Topics include: choosing the next gen leader, managing difficult employees to whom you are related, retaining non-family leaders with phantom stock or other ''golden handcuffs'' and more! Sponsored by GREENCREST. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program

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