Education - Monthly Ed Programs & Family Business Roundtables - Conway Center for Family Business

Monthly Ed Programs & Family Business Roundtables

The Conway Center for Family Business assists leaders and owners of family businesses in resolving issues related to their businesses and, when appropriate, in passing the family business on to the next generation.

Nine monthly educational programs are offered each year that provide valuable information on family business topics presented by family business leaders and experts.

Several family business Roundtables that focus on in-depth topics are also scheduled as needed and offered throughout the year.

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Join us for a Conway Center Program or Event!

RESERVATIONS may be made online or by emailing Conway Center members are encouraged to invite guests to programs and events to introduce family business leaders to the resources provided by the Conway Center. Family business leaders attending for the first time are free. Educational programs and webinars are open to the public for a small fee unless otherwise noted.  VIEW the Non Member Guest Policy.


Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Branding for Non-Branding People ''We're different from our competitors, but no one can see why.'' ''Nobody knows who we are and we can't break through the noise.'' ''We're struggling to charge a premium, even though what we do is top shelf.'' These may seem like sales or tactical challenges. In reality, they're brand issues. But what does ''brand'' mean in 2021? Together, we'll shed light on what branding is and how the branding process should work. We'll draw on our own experience as well as examples and best practices for context. In the end, we'll have a better understanding of how taking the time to get it right can help with some of the most common business challenges. REGISTER now and join us for this live webinar on 2/25 presented by Neil Wengerd, partner and creative director at Nonfiction, a brand and design agency for visionaries, change-makers, and big thinkers. Nonfiction helps clients connect the dots between why they exist, what they do, and how they're perceived. For him, it boils down to this: the future must be simpler, smarter, and more sustainable. And if we don’t shape the future, it will shape us. You'll have the opportunity to submit questions during the session and view a recording post session. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable, CCFB Webinar
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
What does diversity and inclusion really mean and why does it matter to family business? Facilitated by Erica Thompson (Dispatch Media Group), family business and community leaders, Nevin Bansal (Outreach Promotional Solutions/Small Biz Cares), Dr. Rhonda Talford Knight (Knight Consulting Group), and Todd Wilson (Accelerated Laboratory Logistics) will provide clarity around what it means to invite all perspectives to the table, for everyone to participate in the discussion, and to listen to understand. We’ll look at the impact of diversity, examine the benefits, share success stories as well as stumbling blocks, and ways our panelists have incorporated diversity and inclusion into their businesses. Sponsored by GREENCREST REGISTER now and join us for this live webinar on 2/18. You'll have the opportunity to submit questions during the session and view a recording post session! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Did you know that more than 30% of all family-owned businesses make the transition into the second generation? 12% will still be viable into the third generation, with only 3% of all family businesses operating at the fourth-generation level and beyond. Therefore, it is crucial that we focus our efforts on preparing and supporting the next wave of leadership, but how can we empower the next generation to step into leadership roles with the confidence and ability to transform the future of their family business? Facilitated by Kelly Borth (GREENCREST), our panel will feature family business leaders, Chelsea King (King Business Interiors, Inc.) and Steve, Austin, and Patrick Wathen (Equity, LLC). Our panelists will share their experiences from all perspectives - those who have successfully passed leadership on, those who have succeeded as the next generation, and those who are currently taking steps towards leadership as a Next Gen. Our panelists will also speak candidly about what the next generation means to their family business and how to support and prepare Next Gens to make a lasting impact. Sponsored by: GREENCREST ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program

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