Education - Monthly Meetings & Family Business Roundtables - Conway Center for Family Business

Monthly Meetings & Family Business Roundtables

The Conway Center for Family Business helps family business owners and leaders solve business and family business problems and, when appropriate, with transitioning the family business to the next generation

Monthly educational programs provide valuable information on family business topics presented by family business leaders and experts. Peer Groups give family business leaders the opportunity to discuss key issues with one another in focused groups.

Annually, the Center offers ten educational presentations on family business issues and several Family Business Roundtables that focus on in-depth topics.

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Join us for a Conway Center Program or Event!

RESERVATIONS may be made online or by emailing Conway Center members are encouraged to bring guests to programs and events to introduce Central Ohio family business leaders to the resources provided by the Conway Center. Family business leaders attending for the first time are free. Educational programs and webinars are open to the public for a small fee unless otherwise noted.  VIEW the Non Member Guest Policy.


Thursday Oct 5, 2023
Your current and future employees of your family business are increasingly voicing their expectations that their employers need to demonstrate care. They’re making decisions to join or stay with a company based on the employer’s commitment to a variety of social, environmental, and other issues. Are your employees connected to the core values of your family business? Join us for an interactive discussion about aligning your company core values with your workforce’s values. Improved employee engagement shows in your bottom line through better productivity, less turnover, and longer tenure within your organization. All attending are encouraged to complete the free Life Values Inventory prior to this session, and to bring your results and company values with you. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable, Human Resources
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
There are several ways to grow a business. Since mergers and acquisitions top the list of interest in our annual membership survey, we will convene a panel to learn from family business leaders who have been involved in all aspects of M&A activity – and the lessons they learned in the process. Facilitated by Brett Thornton, Porter Wright ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program

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