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Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Regardless of the economic outlook, how can you position your company to grow?
If applicable, learn from the last recession. What worked/didn?t work for your business?
Look for opportunities
Incorporate Scenario Planning and be mindful of your customer mix
Communicate with your stakeholders
Regardless of the economic outlook, how can you position your company to grow?
If applicable, learn from the last recession. What worked or didn't work for your business?
* Look for opportunities
* Incorporate Scenario Planning and be mindful of your customer mix
* Communicate with your stakeholders
* Come hear how these family business leaders remained successful during recessions and other economic downturns.
Dan Erb, Jones Metal Products
Sanjay Patel, A-1 Nursing Care
Kathy Warnick, Warnick Consultants
Facilitated by Tim Martin, JACO Advisory Group
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Categories: CCFB Educational Program
Thursday May 16, 2024
How do you fire a family member and still show up at Thanksgiving dinner? What happens when a family member quits the business and with it the relationship? Why are difficult conversations so fraught when it comes to business and family? Our panelists will discuss times when they faced dilemmas in the business that threatened the family harmony and how they dealt with them.
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Categories: CCFB Educational Program