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Thursday May 18, 2023
The impact on a family-owned business of not having a next gen to lead the family business - or a next gen who isn't quite ready - is huge. The future, vision, direction, and succession planning processes aren't as straightforward as when there is a lineal descendent ready to take the helm. Our panelists will discuss what they did - or wish they had done differently - when faced with this issue and offer advice on how to navigate this often challenging situation.
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Categories: CCFB Educational Program
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Creating impact in and around community is becoming increasingly important to family business leaders that we work with. Philanthropic efforts not only feel good, but they do good and can help foster a workplace culture of giving and growing. In addition, creating a culture of philanthropy benefits the family by: Nurturing the family legacy; Strengthening the bonds between generations; Involving Next Gens in the future of the family business.
Our panelists will share how their approach to community, giving, and philanthropic efforts creates impact in our communities and on the family business itself.
Nevin Bansal, President & CEO, Outreach Promos
Erin Shannon, Corporate Relations Manager, White Castle System
Matina Zenios, President, Artina Promotional Products
Facilitated by Stefanie Coffman, The Columbus Foundation
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Categories: CCFB Educational Program