Events Calendar - Women in Family Business - Women in Family Business - Conway Center for Family Business

Women in Family Business

A monthly peer group for women business leaders

This peer group addresses the unique needs of women who own, work for, or play a supporting role in a family-owned business. Topics addressing self-care, effective communication, and skills for managing conflict resolution will be the focus of these sessions, allowing for connection, sharing, inspiration, and support.  Co-facilitated by Bea Wolper and Kelly Jasin from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin, join us each month to gain new perspectives and strategies by listening to others in this very collaborative and safe environment.

Facilitators: Bea Wolper and Kelly Jasin from Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin
Frequency: Monthly (except July/August when we break for the summer)
Fee: FREE for all Conway Center members
Pre-approval to join? No, this is a drop-in group, but meeting RSVP is required
Service Providers eligible? Yes, Service Providers are welcome (limit 2/company please), meeting RSVP is required

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Peer Group Email Signup

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Upcoming Events

Events Calendar - Women in Family Business

Tuesday Oct 8, 2024
Communication Styles - Good communication is a critical life skill. Communicating effectively at work can feel like a balancing act. The message sent isn’t always the message received, and communication style greatly influences how someone hears you. Communication is a double-edged sword for family businesses. Along with the usual obstacles that any business faces, they also must deal with the difficulty of interpersonal relationships. Come explore various communication styles with us as we also look at the value of good communication and how it can improve your leadership skills. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Women in Family Business
Tuesday Nov 5, 2024
Crucial Conversations - How do you handle difficult conversations with your family and employees while maintaining a culture of trust and respect? How can you be assertive and address challenging situations without coming across as unlikeable? We'll discuss ways to overcome the feeling of having to be “nice and polite” that is leveraged as an excuse to avoid tough conversations – especially for women. We’ll talk about how to professionally communicate and defuse tense situations - both at work and in your personal life. We will even role-play a few real-life scenarios so that you can walk away with a plan on how to handle those important conversations (just in time for your Thanksgiving gathering)! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Women in Family Business

I still have questions. How can I get more information about Peer Groups and Roundtables?

Contact Amy Dotts, COO and Events Manager at or 614-847-0160

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