Events Calendar - Family Business Programs in Columbus | Peer Groups and Education


The Conway Center for Family Business provides highly relevant, topical and original programming that helps members learn, stay informed and share experiences with their peers. These family-focused educational programs are unique to the Center and cannot be found anywhere else in Central Ohio.

In addition, we offer enjoyable social interactions that allow members to build strong relationships. We believe that some of the most productive experiences are created in less formal, group settings where relationships can be built, ideas shared and new opportunities hatched.

Just some of these activities include our annual Family Business Awards & Expo, Monthly Educational Programs, numerous group Educational Opportunities, and Networking and Social Events, Please explore our Events Calendar below for topics that will help you solve your family business challenges.

Events Calendar

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Year-End Tax Update Join the team from Meaden & Moore as they discuss key tax law changes and strategies that will help put your family business on the right track as a new year begins. Their discussion will include: Tax depreciation updates and planning considerations Section 174 (capitalization of R&D costs) update Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) expiring provisions over the next few years Ohio’s passthrough entity tax (PTET) Ohio’s new rules for municipal nexus and apportionment related to employees working remotely ... read more
Categories: CCFB Webinar

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