Events Calendar - Family Business Programs in Columbus | Peer Groups and Education


The Conway Center for Family Business provides highly relevant, topical and original programming that helps members learn, stay informed and share experiences with their peers. These family-focused educational programs are unique to the Center and cannot be found anywhere else in Central Ohio.

In addition, we offer enjoyable social interactions that allow members to build strong relationships. We believe that some of the most productive experiences are created in less formal, group settings where relationships can be built, ideas shared and new opportunities hatched.

Just some of these activities include our annual Family Business Awards & Expo, Monthly Educational Programs, numerous group Educational Opportunities, and Networking and Social Events, Please explore our Events Calendar below for topics that will help you solve your family business challenges.

Events Calendar

Thursday Oct 10, 2024
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group, CEO
Friday Oct 4, 2024
We are hosting a breakfast for new, returning, or any other family business or service provider members interested in learning more about getting the most out of your Conway Center membership! This event will give everyone an opportunity to network with other family business leaders, and to learn more about the history of the Conway Center, its offerings and member benefits. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Networking & Social Events
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
The Conway Strong CEO Peer Group is for Presidents and CEOs of family-owned businesses. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, CEO
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
There are several areas of opportunity that you can turn a discerning eye toward and proactively audit to potentially save your family business thousands of dollars and lots of headaches. Conducting internal audits of your HR and HR-related functions isn’t magic – It’s just good business sense! Join us on October 31 to hear spooky stories about what happens when you are not prepared. The typical EEOC settlement is $40,000 but one Ohio company was just ordered to pay $1.25 MILLION in a class action lawsuit. And did you know non-compliant I-9s can cost you several hundred to several thousand dollars per violation? Fines, penalties, and attorney’s fees can add up scary fast! We’ll cover the essential audits you should conduct in broad strokes, including worker’s compensation, handbook, forms, safety, and so much more! ... read more
Categories: CCFB Roundtable, Human Resources
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group, CEO
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
A workplace where your employees feel secure, appreciated, and included is known as a culture of belonging. Join us as we discuss the importance of belonging, and the various areas of culture that belonging lives and impacts. Together we will explore benefits of belonging, drawbacks of not belonging, and investigate techniques to help everyone on your team feel they belong. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Leadership Development
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
A well designed and dynamic system of internal controls is needed to safeguard your business assets, protect against fraud, and ensure complete and accurate financials. Learn how family-owned businesses can assess their risk areas and implement or strengthen internal controls….and sleep more soundly at night! By tapping into our firm's experience of implementing, testing, and remediating internal controls at large corporations, we have developed an assessment of the internal controls that are key to smaller organizations. We’ll cover entity level controls, business process controls, and key IT controls as well as how to navigate the challenges that are specific to smaller organizations. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Webinar
Friday Oct 4, 2024
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Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Manufacturing/Logistics
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
As Rhett Ricart said at one of our ed programs, ''There is no guarantee we’re going to make it just because we’ve made it this far.” Deciding to sell the family business is indeed more than a simple transaction. Our panelist Bill Mead, formerly of Golf Car Company, will talk about his journey at that crossroad and how he made the decisions he did…as a family member and a business. Facilitator, Jon Eesley, Windsor Advisory Group Generously sponsored by GREENCREST ... read more
Categories: CCFB Educational Program
Wednesday Oct 9, 2024
Curiosity as a Component of Success Every day, we deal with stressors and difficulties. So often, our focus seems to be on how to get rid of those trials, and that costs time and energy. But what if there was a way to see those problems in a way that would increase our energy and lead us to greater performance? The answer is found in tapping into curiosity. We will discuss ways that curiosity is a superpower in the workplace and highlight how it can strengthen relationships within the family. *New format! Dedicated time will be allotted to work through particular coaching scenarios and provide tools for relevant issues and situations you are now facing. We'll spend time exchanging experiences and knowledge on these issues so that we can all learn from one another. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Next Generation Leaders
Tuesday Oct 1, 2024
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, C-Suite Non-Family Leaders
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
The CEO Peer Group of Rising and New Leaders of family-owned businesses. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Rising CEO
Thursday Oct 3, 2024
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Rising CEO
Tuesday Oct 8, 2024
Communication Styles & Crucial Conversations Communication is a double-edged sword for family businesses. Along with the usual obstacles that any business faces, they also must deal with the difficulty of interpersonal relationships. And how do you handle difficult conversations with your family and employees while maintaining a culture of trust and respect? How can you be assertive and address challenging situations without coming across as unlikeable? We'll discuss ways to overcome the feeling of having to be “nice and polite” that is leveraged as an excuse to avoid tough conversations – especially for women. We’ll talk about different communication styles and how to professionally communicate and defuse tense situations - both at work and in your personal life. ... read more
Categories: CCFB Peer Group, Women in Family Business

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